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rendezvous1800 Profiloplysninger

Losing faith in finding you...
Alder 43 Fra Lake Placid, New York - Online - Over 2 uger siden
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Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg taler  
Engelsk, Andet
Jeg beskriver mig selv som  
My Dear Someone,

I am waiting around these days, hoping I might meet you at the grocery store, or perhaps at the library. I know that these are the kinds of places I would find you, as all of my other time is well consumed by school, (I have gone back to pursue a degree in journalism, to learn constantly, and to ask the really tough questions to some really tough people), and with work. (I have been in construction for the last few years, and I must admit, I do really like it), and my girls, (sorry I didn't wait for you, but I was young and didn't really know who you were yet...)
I am pretty happy and I generally make the people around me comfortable. I know a wide variety of things, and am like a jack of all trades of sorts. I like to work with my hands, and am sure not afraid of getting dirty. If your not helping, I just might get you dirty too. But that would be ok with you, because you have a great sense of humour, a smile that shines as brightly in your eyes as it does on your face. You toy with me, not in a mean way, but in a flirting way, in your way you let me know all day that I am your only. You love your mother, and are kind to children and animals. You have great passion and drive, but also empathy and compassion. You are not afraid to cry when sad, but you don't sob like a little girl. You stand up for what you believe in, no matter the cost. You stand by your decisions, your word is your honor, and you would rather die than be untrue to your soul.
I'm not sure if you are native or not, but you do have a native soul, and respect all creation as your brother, and will stand to protect your mother earth.
Like me, you are patient and understanding, loyal and kind. You have a firm grip on who you are and what you want out of life. You know who and what you are looking for, and like me, will not settle for less again.
We all have baggage, but like me you have realized that the past is the past and must be let go to fulfill your destiny of the future.
I grow tired in waiting for you my someone. I don't need you to complete me, but I do miss you laying next to me, as I lay down to go to sleep at night. Not to sound stuck up, you know I'm not, but day after day it seems, I am forcing these men who track me down to get next to me away because I am waiting for you. I want you to answer the door and let them and the world know I found you, and that I am never gonna let you go. I will stay true to you, and live the rest of my days in the pursuit of keeping you happy.
So, please, if you're out there, let me know. I am afraid that if I go on like this, I will get even more used to being alone, and that can be a hard thing to change. I plan to build my own house, and if I build it alone, I will inhabit it alone...know what I mean jelly bean?
I am ready for a new phase of my life, and I am an old fashioned gal, and you're an old fashioned kind of guy. So, lets start something we won't ever want to stop.
I look so forward to hearing from you. 'Till then I am soley and truly yours,

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er  
Min højde er  
157 cm
Mine øjne er  
Min etnicitet er  
Indfødt amerikansk
Min civilstand er  
Jeg har børn  
Ja - nogle gange hjemme
Jeg vil have børn  
Ikke sikker
Mit bedste karaktertræk er  
Piercet... Men kun øre(r)
Mit hår er  
Jeg har en eller flere af disse  
Ingen kæledyr
Villig til at flytte  


Mit uddannelsesniveau er  
Lidt af universitetet
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er  
Mit speciale er  
Konstruktion / håndværker
Min jobtitel er  
I own my own contruction company
Jeg tjener så meget på et år  
Under $100.000USD om året
Jeg bor  
Med børn
Alt er roligt
Jeg er ryger  
Ja - prøver at stoppe
Jeg drikker  
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg  
Min sociale opførsel er  
Mine interesser og hobbier er  
Kunst og håndværk, Sport, Læsning, Læring, Musik, Film, Spil, Dans, Familie, Spise til middag, Fotografering, Teater, Rejser, Madlavning, Havearbejde, Camping, Kortspil, Frivilligt
Min idé om at have det sjovt er  
Være sammen med venner, Være hjemme, Prøve noget nyt, I biografen, Afslappende, Sove, Læse en bog, Gå på casino, Spille computerspil, Tage til koncert, Gå på museum
En ideel første date ville være  
It is really hard to say, but I guess that if it's with the right person, doing anything or nothing could be really fun.
Jeg har altid villet prøve  
I always thought that it would be really neat to visit Paris, and perfect my French. I have been told that once you are ingulfed in the language, it is much easier to pick it up out of necessity.
Mine venner beskriver mig som  
Venlig, En andre gerne vil være, Cool


Min religion er  
Spirituel, men ikke religiøs
Jeg deltager i tjenester  
Mit mål i livet er  
In all honesty, I want to change the world. I am currently re attending school to obtain a degree in journalism. I would like people to turn off the t.v., and turn to each other. Perhaps then people will begin to think again, and question what needs to be questioned, make changes where they need to be made, and re claim our democracey, before it becomes completely communistic...
Min form for humor er  
Snu, Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet


I tv ser jeg altid  
Nyheder, Dokumentarer, Gør-det-selv, Film, Jeg bryder mig ikke om tv, Genudsendelser
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en  
Handling, Science Fiction, Comedy, Dokumentar, Familie, Gys, Thriller
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til  
Rock, Metal, Pop, Klassisk, Støvsugerlyde, Blues, Soul, Reggae, Folk
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid  
Nyheder, Gammelt, Antologi, Selvbiografi, Biografi, Business, Komisk, Computer, Fantasy, Fiktion, Historie, Hus og have, Gys, Humor, Gør-det-selv, Matematik, Mystik, Natur, Filosofi, Politisk, Opslag, Poesi, Religiøs, Videnskab, Science Fiction
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er  
Love camping, and anything outdoors. I could live there... Love powows, puzzles, and most of all, learning. I feel the need to improve myself daily. I like to work, my work keeps me outside. I love refining my craft. I like to feel all used up at the end of the day. I like to snowmobile, ride horses, play sports, or just curl up and watch a movie.

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?  
Intelligens, Dygtighed, Empati, Følsomhed, Skaldethed, Særheder, Spontanitet, Morsom, Omtanke
Hvad leder du efter?  
I am looking for my other, the one that helps to keep me strong, and I him, someone willing to try new things, stands up for what he beleives in, adds his light to the sum of light...someone that I look foward to seeing, and talking to, that I miss, think about, and long for. Someone willing to give and take, to share good times and bad. My soul mate.
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?  
Ven, Forpligtet